How would you describe yourself?
I am a forward thinker and an unapologetic optimist. I believe I am a woman who’s passion for making a difference is stamped on every page of my life. I love meeting new people, I am an avid football fan and I love discount shopping for a great deal !

What’s your current profession?
I am an international professional speaker, author, radio and tv personality.

Do you have a website? 

What are your top 3 achievements?
Looking back over my life it’s hard to pick just three…  #1) Raising an amazing son, Nick Thomas, who is now a professional race car driver on the Formula Drift Circuit.  #2. ) Traveling Internationally speaking to hundreds of thousands of people worldwide  #3.) Being an author of a book, multiple speaking CD’s and a Motivational Music CD.

Please tell us about your educational background.
I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education from Mississippi State University

Please tell us more about your family, with whom you are closest?
I have been married to my amazing husband, Rob, for 12 years and we are blessed to have a combined family of three incredible children. They are all in their 20’s and live near us in the Nashville area. My parents and brother are still in North Mississippi where I grew up and I love going home to the “country.”

What kind of modeling/spokesperson projects have you done?
I am a former Mrs. TN America and have done numerous projects through the years including magazine and television appearances. I now make a regular appearance on a “Prescription For a Healthy Lifestyle” that airs on Rural TV.

What kind of philanthropic/fundraising work have you done?
Each year I support a number of different organizations by donating my time as a speaker and host for events.

What are your favorite platforms or which charitable organizations you admire most?
I admire any organization that does work with children. I give my time to the Boy’s and Girl’s Club and will be co-hosting a show this year that will benefit St. Jude’s Children Hospital

Do you have any interest in politics?
I do have an interest in politics but I don’t have an interest to be involved in politics.

What’s your dream job?
I am living my dream job. Speaking around the world and sharing a message that I feel empowers others is more than I could have ever hoped for. If I had to add one thing to it I would create an even more positive presence on television.

Who is your favorite role model?
My favorite mentor is no longer with us, his name is Jim Rohn. He was one of the most powerful personal development speakers in the world.

Ten years from now where do you see yourself?
I see myself continuing to expand as a speaker and author. I will be continuing my travel around the world sharing information that can make a difference. I will also have more books and television shows that I will be involved with and spending quality time with my family.

How do you maintain work and life balance?
I have a very “in demand” schedule and I work hard at keeping my life balanced. I take time to step away from the fast pace and spend time with my family. I am committed to reading, journaling and getting quiet on a daily basis.

Fun stuff:

Favorite Book (s):  The Artist Way, Julia Cameron;  Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand; The Circle, Laura Day; The Bible

Favorite Musician (s):  Wyonna;  George Michael, Celine

Favorite Movie (s): The Thomas Crowne Affair

Favorite Actor (s):  Jack Nicholson, Sandra Bullock

Favorite Sport (s):  Football and Drifting

Favorite Athlete (s): Nick Thomas – my race car driving son

Favorite TV Show (s):  The Newsroom

Favorite Place (s):  My back porch and anywhere with a beach

Favorite Website (s): ,,

Favorite Restaurant (s): I love breakfast food… The Pancake Pantry in Nashville .. the best !

Do you have any pets?
We have one cat, Harley and have a “grand-dog” .. my son Nick’s boxer, Daisy.