My name is Samantha Holvey but everyone calls me Sam. I was born in Texas. Grew up in West Virginia. Went to undergrad in North Carolina. Lived in Northern Virginia for 5 years. Moved to Charleston, South Carolina in 2015 and couldn’t be happier. I’ve worked in radio, television, government, and healthcare. I’m recovering from Guillain-Barre Syndrome. I consider myself Baptist but I’m active in a Presbyterian Church. I love playing beach volleyball and can’t wait to get back to it once I’ve fully recovered.

What’s your current profession?
Director of Community & Education at Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI)
With a background in communications, health information technology and project management, I have a broad skill set to fill many roles within WEDI. I manage more than 30 workgroups comprised of over 1,000 volunteer members, several Board Committees, and the approval processes for all work products. This extensive knowledge allows a unique perspective when building webinars and marketing campaigns.

What are your top 3 achievements?
1. Graduating from Brown University with an Executive Master of Healthcare Leadership degree.
2. Recovering from Guillain-Barre Syndrome and spending a week in rural Cuba after just getting out of the hospital.
3. Being Miss North Carolina USA 2006

Educational background:
B.A. Mass Communication, Campbell University
GradCert, Political Psychology, The George Washington University
Executive Master of Healthcare Leadership (EMHL), Brown University

What are your favorite platforms or which charitable organizations you admire most?
After being diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome in February, I have become very passionate about spreading awareness and concern for this rare neurological disease. Three doctors misdiagnosed me. Although there is no cure, the quicker you are diagnosed and treated, the less severe it is and the quicker you recover. I went from being very active and healthy to paralyzed in less than one week. The average recovery time is 6 months-2 years. Only 1 in 100,000 people are diagnosed with this rare disease and not much is known about it. Research has seen a correlation between the Zika virus and GBS so it’s incredibly important that people know what the symptoms are and talk to their doctor immediately. I am currently writing a book about my GBS and Cuba experience to help raise awareness and maybe even inspire others.

An organization that I admire most is the Journey. The Journey is a worshiping community for college students that offers Presbyterians, non-Presbyterians, the spiritually curious, skeptics, and even Red Sox fans to grow spiritually while at college. I am active as a Mentor with the Journey at College of Charleston and truly value the weekly Large Group meetings and the relationships I have developed with my mentees. If you would like to learn more or donate to this amazing program, you can do so here:

What’s your dream job?
I actually love what I do now. You don’t realize how far behind IT is in healthcare until you need it. I like to think that I’m helping to advance the industry towards a more efficient and effective system. I also work with fantastic people, which makes my job even more enjoyable.

How do you maintain work and life balance?
I’m not sure anyone is ever “balanced.” When there is a lot to do at work my nose is to the grindstone and I want to get it done. Some days are busier than others, so when I have down time I take advantage of it by going to the beach or even a long walk is refreshing.

What advice would you give to your younger self?
Work smart and everything will work out. Don’t be so blinded by what you think you want to do that you don’t explore all the opportunities available. Facebook becomes open to the public (not just for college kids) so be careful of what you post.

Fun stuff:
Favorite Book (s):
Pride and Prejudice

Favorite Musician (s):
Garth Brooks

Favorite Movie (s):
Pride and Prejudice

Favorite Actor (s):
Julia Roberts

Favorite Sport (s):

Favorite Athlete (s):
Kerri Walsh

Favorite TV Show (s):
Game of Thrones

Favorite Website (s): (shameless promotion of my association)

Favorite Restaurant (s):
Home Team BBQ

Do you have any pets?
Mr.Big is my 5lb poodle that’s full of love and affection.